Sunday, October 31, 2004


We are all born naked.. Everything else is drag. -- Ru Paul

At least that's close to what he said. As I write this I am preparing to go into ritual. Tonight I am the Winter king. I am preparing to fight and kill the summer king! I will than take over! I plan to freeze you all out and to create utter chaos for the land. I am dressed up for the occasion. I have an aged white face and grey and silver hair tonight. If I can get a picture of me that is not flooded with white I will send it to the Mirror Stage.

Tonight is the night where the veil between the world of the living and the world of our ancestors is the thinnest! Tonight I remember my Papa Butz, Grandma Rene, Papa Harold and all who have past on in life. This is the feast of the dead.

1 comment:

de Feo-Giet said...

It is so unfitting that you should be the Winter hate winter. You should be summer and raven's star should take great delight in slaying you in a mischevious and pixie-like manner. I hope the whole thing was good for you! I had planned to get some sleep tonight but it looks like that is not going to happen...I still have about 200 pages to read and a response paper to write and then some chinese to do, and I still haven't started on my CV. I think that's going to have to wait until tomorrow, or today.I was just feeling yucky and like I had a cold most of today and so just didn't get on with anything. thanx for the post and thanx for the quote. muchos besos. P.s. Is Ru Paul considered a "he" or a "she"?? I have always wondered about that one...I don't know enough about Ru Paul to know how Ru Paul refers to Ru Paul...any insights on this score welcome.